Rodeo, is the playing of the national anthem
With the wind furling Old Glory for all to see
And Rodeo is the invocation where
All bow their heads and ask
God, to look after both
Brave entrants, and the noble spectators,
Rodeo, is and announced who starts the show
By saying "And now Ladies and Gentleman turn your
attention to the Bucking Chutes!
Getting down in the chute No1 an old cayuse
We call Trail's End is....
Rodeo, is a cowboy cramming his hat
Down on his head,climbin aboard his
Bareback horse grabbing the "Suitcase Handle"
And hollering, "Let Me Have Him!"
Rodeo is the eternity between coming out
of the chute and hearing the whistle blow
Rodeo is the goose egg you get for not
Marking him out
Rodeo, is yer new hat that gets trampled
And the pickup men who save yer neck
It's the indescribable feeling you get when
You ride a rank mount to the whistle
Rodeo is funny clowns insulting the announcer
and conversely the announcer insulting the clowns.
Rodeo, is the dirt eaten' by the dogger
Whose steer "set -up"
It's the fast stop of the lightly trained
ropin' horse
And the hole in the rope that the last
Calf managed to run through
Rodeo is the time keepers diligently cutting seconds
into tenths.
Rodeo, is trick and fancy roping fascinating
Spectators and cowboys alike
Rodeo is also beautiful Cowgirls in lavish
Outfits riding fast well trained horses
in the barrel race.
It's cowboy's running helter-skelter for the
Safety of the fence when a bronc
heads their way
Rodeo, is a brave photographer, standing in front
of the chutes taking pictures of the bull riding
Rodeo is the same photographer seeking the save sanction
the chute gate with an enraged
Bull a bare three feet behind
It's the cowbell attached to the bull rope
That keeps the cowboy awake when he rides
Rodeo is Ten calves, and Forty cowboys tumbling
Together in the kiddies calf scramble
Rodeo is an over-anxious roper who breaks
the barrier
It's also the chaw of tobacco you swallowed
During hectic ride or the bandage
You must wear on that trick knee
Rodeo is the trick and fancy riders at
Their very best and rodeo is the is the thoughts
Of taking yer best girls to the big dance
After the show
Rodeo is a limping cowboys returning to the chutes
with nothing to show for his efforts
But the crowd's applause and empty wallet
And few bruises
Rodeo is a hard-working chute boss
And his wife's consternation when she
Spots a rip in his brand new shirt
Rodeo is the clown sneaking up behind
the photographer and shouting "look
OUT for the bull!"
Rodeo is a steer that falls the wrong way
And it's your piggin' string liberally sprinkled
with pepper when your back was turned
Rodeo is the admiring, worshiping look
from the youngsters in the stands
Rodeo is a wife nervously biting her nails
while her husbands rides a bull
Rodeo is a husband encouragement as his wife
competes in the barrel race
It's the entry fees which must be paid
And the long miles you must travel
Yes, rodeo is horses, bulls, saddles
Clowns announcers, spectators
Calves, chutes, pickup men
Steers cowbells, boots flags
Cowgirls and Cowboys
Last but not least,
Rodeo is Fun
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