Sunday, June 25, 2017

There's Something

There's something that i left behind
What is it I just don't know?
Maybe the Indian Heavens Mountain
Trimmed with foot or two of snow
Could e the Lower Falls creek
The Race Track, or the Belts
There's something that i left behind
A strange feelin' i can't help
Maybe that big bull Elk?
That i spotted on the breaks.

Could be that big Ol' setting' sun
The one shining' off the lake
Maybe that aged old cowboy
And the nite we talked for hours
Can't put my finger on it
Even though I've scoured and scoured
I feel as though I've left behind
Somethin' that's worth a lot
I wish i knew just what it is
Or just what i've forgotten
But for now I'll have to ponder
Think a back a day or two
Back to those times I enjoyed myself
Beneath a sky of blue
It somehow has got the best of me
Not knowin' what it is

I somehow can't remember
In my mind I can't relive
Maybe the friendly folks i met
Could be the Hunter's wave
Maybe that never ending road
Could be the rocks and sage
But when I think back to what it is
All i see are pretty hill
The only thoughts that come 'cross my mind
Is the beauty this landfill?
The wind that waves through a field of wild flowers
The mountains just above
The deer that pepper the landscape
This land I truly love
The rolling mountains
As far as I can see
The colors of this rugged mass
Takes my breath away from me
so it will have to say a mystery
These unsolved thoughts I find
Until I'm back in Ol Carson
maybe then it will come to mind

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Hoolihan

To rope a steer by head or heal
Ain't really that tough
An' Snarin' calves ain't no big deal
If you've done it long enough;

But there's a loop the cowboys know
That I can't understand-
That cayuse-snaggin' noose they thro
That's called the Hoolihan

It's a quiet an' a gentle loop
That's thrown from way down low;
No whirlin' swing or screamin' whoop
Accompanies this throw

It's like Poetry in motion
A thing of beauty as it flies
But I can't find combination
Regardless how I try

Now, I throw a loop with my left hand;
An' practice though I might
When friends show me the Hoolihan

They throw it with their right
They demonstrate artistic line-
It's simple, smooth, an' neat-
Then I'll try, an' soon my twine
Is piled up at my feet

I've practiced 'till my arm is sore
But that throw's beyond my scope
The dogs don't even run no more
When they see with my rope

To make a hand's my fondest dream
But if I may be candid.
That Hoolihan ain't in my scheme-
It can't be thrown left-handed.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Life of Rodeo

Rodeo, is the playing of the national anthem
With the wind furling Old Glory for all to see
And Rodeo is the invocation where
All bow their heads and ask
God, to look after both
Brave entrants, and the noble spectators,

Rodeo, is and announced who starts the show
By saying "And now Ladies and Gentleman turn your 
attention to the Bucking Chutes!
Getting down in the chute No1 an old cayuse
We call Trail's End is....

Rodeo, is a cowboy cramming his hat 
Down on his head,climbin aboard his
Bareback horse grabbing the "Suitcase Handle"
And hollering, "Let Me Have Him!"

Rodeo is the eternity between coming out
of the chute and hearing the whistle blow
Rodeo is the goose egg you get for not 
Marking him out

Rodeo, is yer new hat that gets trampled
And the pickup men who save yer neck
It's the indescribable feeling you get when 
You ride a rank mount to the whistle
Rodeo is funny clowns insulting the announcer
and conversely the announcer insulting the clowns.

Rodeo, is the dirt eaten' by the dogger
Whose steer "set -up"
It's the fast stop of the lightly trained 
ropin' horse
And the hole in the rope that the last
Calf managed to run through
Rodeo is the time keepers diligently cutting seconds
into tenths.

Rodeo, is trick and fancy roping fascinating
Spectators and cowboys alike
Rodeo is also beautiful Cowgirls in lavish
Outfits riding fast well trained horses
in the barrel race.
It's cowboy's running helter-skelter for the
Safety of the fence when a bronc
heads their way

Rodeo, is a brave photographer, standing in front
of the chutes taking pictures of the bull riding
Rodeo is the same photographer seeking the save sanction 
the chute gate with an enraged
Bull a bare three feet behind
It's the cowbell attached to the bull rope
That keeps the cowboy awake when he rides

Rodeo is Ten calves, and Forty cowboys tumbling
Together in the kiddies calf scramble
Rodeo is an over-anxious roper who breaks 
the barrier

It's also the chaw of tobacco you swallowed
During hectic ride or the bandage
You must wear on that trick knee
Rodeo is the trick and fancy riders at
Their very best and rodeo is the is the thoughts
Of taking yer best girls to the big dance
After the show

Rodeo is a limping cowboys returning to the chutes
with nothing to show for his efforts
But  the crowd's applause and empty wallet
And few bruises
Rodeo is a hard-working chute boss
And his wife's consternation when she 
Spots a rip in his brand new shirt
Rodeo is the clown sneaking up behind
the photographer and shouting "look 
OUT for the bull!"

Rodeo is a steer that falls the wrong way
And it's your piggin' string liberally sprinkled
with pepper when your back was turned
Rodeo is the admiring, worshiping look
from the youngsters in the stands

Rodeo is a wife nervously biting her nails
while her husbands rides a bull
Rodeo is a husband encouragement as his wife 
competes in the barrel race

It's the entry fees which must be paid 
And the long miles you must travel
Yes, rodeo is horses, bulls, saddles
Clowns announcers, spectators 
Calves, chutes, pickup men
Steers cowbells, boots flags
Cowgirls and Cowboys
Last but not least, 
Rodeo is Fun

The American Cowboy

There's a certain attitude or code
If you will of the Ranchers, Westerner
Or American Cowboy,
better still its not that hat, boots, or spurs
so much
That gives these Americans the 
Cowboy touch
First and foremost, Always keep your word
Your words is your bound I've always heard
There are people that depend on you
to do what you say
Sometimes it's not convenient but it's the
American Cowboy way
Words like Honest, Integrity, Courage
and Grit
Are as natural as breathing, much like 
taking a bit
Helping out a neighbor you've found has 
A need
Excepting nothing in return fine
Qualities indeed
This truely is the American Cowboy
For many, I've known
Seem cast from the same mold
American Hewn
No, it's not so much the clothes they wear
Simply put it's a way of life
A breed so Rare.


Sometimes we sit and dream
About the things we would die to do
Now if you look into your heart
You will see your dreams can come true
So you say you will try
And will probably fall
But your dream will still live
So get up and stand tall
to see your inspiration
But look no further than your self
To find determination.


RODEO  you're part of America
The outdoor dream that every
Youngster need
And if I could have one wish
My only Prayer would be 
Don't let the COWBOY be a dieing breed.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Old Saying

There's an old saying
Cowboys life poor
And die Rich
I am more inclined to think it's the
Cowboy's definition of
Wealth that makes him
What he is
I don't suppose you could call
Cowboyin' a career
The pay's not great
There's no pension plan
No unions, No benefits
And noe early retirement is out of the 
So why do they do it?
Because they LOVE IT!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Night Time Country Sounds

When the evening starts to darken
And the Moon begins to rise
With it golden huge a rippling
Across the cloudless skies
It's then I enjoy sitting
on the old veranda here
As I listen to the night sounds
That echo far and near

I hear a barking dog somewhere;
An owl calls from a tree
On yonder hill a whippoorwill
Sings so melodiously
Down back amidst the darkened woods
on banks of country ponds
I hear a bullfrog chanting
his loud bass fiddle song

When summer evening darkens
And the golden moon appears
When the daytime sounds are silenced
On our old farm house veranda
Where the roses sweet abound
It is then i paused and listen
to the nighttime country sounds.

Being A Cowboy

Many people I meet
Don't seem to understand
Why a person in their senses
Would want to be a cowhand

It's hard to explain in words
The deeper reason why
But I feel brave today
So I'll give it a try

It has to do with nature
The good and also bad
The challenges of elements
Th happy mood and sad
Money isn't the object
Though all must make a'living
The animals aren't a dollar bill

When help to them you're going
Many a cowboy mean and tough
When seeing a snowbound calf
Melts and turns their hard heart to butter
To act on it's behalf

It has to do with horses
 A very common affection
Not just a passing fancy
More like a drug addiction
A natural love for horse's
To ride and bein' a saddle
Just leads a person by the hand
To want to be with cattle

It has to do with living
And doing what you please
Concerning occupation choice
One's mind is all at ease
Competing isn't the issue
When riding on the range
Don't the job for the love of it
To some this all sounds strange.

It has to do with trying
With a dream awry and game
If you've Never been Bucked OFF
Means you've Never Gotten ON!
I guess it was the other day
My only day off of the week 
I should've stayed indoors
And quite there to seek

But it was nice and warm that day
So something I couldn't hide
Was that feeling
Ol' Mouse I needed to ride
So then I just decided
As long as I was doing this now
I might as well help the neighbor
And put Mouse behind a cow 
So to some it's all the mystery
But I've very Clear to me 
If I wasn't cowboying for living
I'd still cowboy for free.

Excuses, Excuses

Well, I woulda been
Coulda been
Shoulda been 
On that calf just under eight-
I missed his flank  fumbled my tie
I know I got out late

Oh, I woulda been
Coulda been
Shoulda been
Scorin' at least 80 on that bare-
I know one judge didn't like me-
'Cause he didn't score me fair.

Gee, I woulda been
Coulda been 
Shoulda been
Just about 16" 'round those cans-
But my horse ducked off
Then knocked one down
He's scared of the screamin' Fans

Oh, I woulda been
Coulda been 
Shoulda been
At least placin' on that steer
Reached too far and missed his horns
And landed on my rear

Well, we woulda been
Coulda been 
Shoulda been
The team they couldn't beat-
I roped the horns , I did my job-
But Stupid missed the feet

Oh I woulda been
Coulda been
Shoulda been
The bull ride of the night
Got hung up, hooked by them horns
Then he reached up and took a bite

We all would've been
Coulda been , Shoulda been
All winners on this night
Better head off to the practice pen
So next time we can get it right.