Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Thanks

Christmas Thanks

I'm not so much myself lord,
But here is where I belong
My feelings fit the country and
My cowgirl heart beats strong
With thankfulness that your big sky
Can look down from above
Most any day and find me glad
I’m doing what I love;
Just looking after cattle independent as a queen
Admiring the snow in winter, smelling sage
Brush in the spring
Among my many blessings I have enjoy on honest pride
On my own horses for partner every where
I need to ride
I’m thankful that you let me live this wide open land;
To see the rainbow color painted by your hands
My life’s tied up with cattle; Lord a hardly life but free
Where snow means grass next summer and
A woman can plainly see
Your handiwork on every side
 My thanks Lord are
For friends, good grass, fat cattle and good
Ranch country year!

Kendra Tyler
December 27, 1996

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

To Jon and Summer

I Promise You 

I can't promise you
That dark clouds
Will never hover
over our lives
Or that the future
Will bring us many rainbows,
I can't promise you that tomorrow 
Will be perfect
Or that life will be easy...
I can promise you
My everlasting devotion,
My loyalty, my respect
And my unconditional love for a lifetime.
I can promise that 
I'll always be here for you
To listen and to hold your hand,
And I'll always do my best to make you happy
And make you feel loved
I can promise that
I'll see you through any crisis
And pray with you
dream with you
Build with you 
And always cheer you on
And encourage you
I can promise that
I'll willingly be your protector
Your advisor, your family
your everything.
I promise you...

Kendra Tyler
December 12, 2014